Tai Koo
Leo Burnett Ltd.
GFA: 2,975 sq.m
Hong Kong HQ for Leo Burnett Worldwide.
Leo Burnett came to KplusK with the task of completely overhauling their existing premises, totalling 37,000 sq.ft, in the space of 12 weeks whilst remaining fully operational. With the aid of a swing floor and an excellent project management team this entailed the coordination of 3 phases of site work and the movement of 224 staff.
Designwise, the Client wanted the space to be subliminally Chinese, without resorting to pastiche. KplusK’s response was a series of underplayed fragments - A creative zone created in the form of a giant rice bowl; a custom-made screen created out of intertwined chopsticks; the floor throughout laid in engineered bamboo; walls and screens composed in Chinese green bricks and abstract calligraphic patterns respectively.
Leo Burnett’s front-of-house was designed as a double-height void, adding a staircase that leads directly to the conference facilities upstairs. The main conference suite can be opened up to the front-of -house using moveable glass partitions - as an added bonus to this layout, the company president can stand on the upper floor to address the entire staff at once.
The layout of double-sized desks was designed to encourage teamwork and communication, and thus creativity. Furthermore, Leo Burnett’s enormous need for storage space prompted KplusK to create custom-made storage walls, detachable and re-assembleable in either straight or curved formats. KplusK also incorporated a series of breakout spaces and shared facilities throughout the headquarters, as well as loungy furniture pieces and spacious pantries for the staff to relax.