Causeway Bay
Recording Studio
Drum Music
GFA: 167sq.m
Drum Music enlisted KplusK for the design of their world class recording facility in Causeway Bay.
Each environment within the studio has to function ergonomically, aesthetically, and also within very stringent and exacting acoustic requirements. The combination of these qualities requires an enormous amount of control in terms of detailing, and expertise in how sound behaves within specific volumes with highly differing (reflective and absorptive) surfaces.
The intention was to fill each environment with as much light as possible, and to maximize the potential of great views over Victoria Park. This flies in the face of conventional studio design, which dictates that one covers up and cuts out as much glass (reflective surfaces) as possible.
As the second recording studio designed by KplusK for Drum Music, the aim was to allow greater visual connectivity whilst maintaining acoustic isolation where necessary. The creation of the floating voice-over booth, the “hanging udder”, suspended between the recording studios from the substantial structure above, the 'bubble wall" entrance way and other dense concrete cranked walls assist in the formation of the major spaces but also break up sound waves through destructive interference.